Post, bid, and earn the money. With the concept of providing more jobs to drivers, we have come up with an on-demand driver-bidding web-based software. We can say this website is a taxi supply where the bookings are directly dispatched to those drivers who win the bid.
Under the driver bidding website tool, the driver will simply open an account. The admin will review the driver account and will activate the account. Whenever any of the bookings are made, the job will be posted and the system will send the alert email to the registered and nearby drivers. Any of the drivers who bid the lower fare will receive the job and the system will send an email to both driver and passenger along with the booking confirmation.
On the backend, they will have access to add or edit the settings of the driver commission, driver statement, and total payable. Every driver job bidding and booking notification confirmation once bidding is won will be sent to the respective driver.
Anyone who receives quite more jobs and wants to dispatch their job on a commission basis to the driver ,this web portal is a great match.